How to use Cloudflare to hide my server host?

How to use Cloudflare to hide my server host

Cloudflare and Sucuri are two services that you can use to hide your server host. They provide a caching service, which will route all of your visitors’ requests through the CDN’s servers. This means that they won’t see your IP address, but instead it will be masked by Cloudflare or Sucuri’s CDN servers. The only problem with this approach is that if you have full SSL enabled on your site then you could potentially see some errors in some browsers (notably Firefox). You might also lose DNS records when using CDNs.

You can use a service like Cloudflare or Sucuri. They provide a CDN and caching services.

Cloudflare and Sucuri are examples of CDN and caching services. They provide a CDN and caching services, which means that your website will be served by their servers instead of yours.
It’s important to note that these services only work with websites that have been configured for this purpose (like mine). You will need to get your host’s permission if you want to use either of these services.

This will allow you to mask your IP address

The best way to hide your server host is by using a CDN and caching services. This will allow you to mask your IP address, which can be used for security purposes.
You can use Cloudflare or Sucuri as an example of what we’re talking about here.

By default, the requests that you get would have the IP of the CDN servers

Cloudflare is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that helps you speed up your website. It can also be used to hide the IP address of your server host, which is especially useful when you’re using a cloud hosting service or VPN.
Cloudflare does this by having its own servers around the world—and they can serve as reverse proxies, load balancers and security tools for your site as well. The company even offers free SSL certificates so that visitors can get encrypted connections with no worries about watching their data go through multiple hops before reaching its destination!

If you have full SSL enabled, the CDN servers could send a new header containing your actual IP address

If you have full SSL enabled, the CDN servers could send a new header containing your actual IP address.
If this happens, Cloudflare will block all requests from the CDN server to your website and replace it with their own version of your site.

You can use Cloudflare or Sucuri to hide your server host

If you don’t want to use Cloudflare or Sucuri, there are some other options:

  • You can use Cloudflare or Sucuri as a CDN for your site. This will cache the files on their servers and reduce load times for visitors who load your site from their location (i.e., not from the ISP). You’ll still see this option if you use one of these services instead of switching hosts entirely though because it’s just another way to mask your IP address through caching.
  • You can use both services together so that they work together as one comprehensive solution; however, I wouldn’t recommend doing this without knowing what exactly is happening behind the scenes first!

Cloudflare is a CDN that mask your server IP address. Sucuri is a caching service, which intercepts the requests and forwards them to CDNs. You can use one or the other or both, depending on what your needs are.